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Ford Series

Numbering Details from 1964 to 1967. Ford '000 Series. Source Ford Motor Company.

Factory Identification:

A = Antwerp

B = Basildon

C = Highland Park, Detroit.

Breakdown of Assembly:


Manufactured Gearboxes and transmission. Assembled tractors for European Mainland.

In later years assembled and manufactured the 8700,9700 and TW Series.

In later years assembled and manufactured the 9600, 9700 and TW Series.


Manufactured engines and hydraulic systems for the World. Assembled tractors for Great Britain and the rest of the World outside of Europe and the USA.

Highland Park, Detroit.

Manufactured Gearboxes and transmissions for the USA and S.O.S transmissions for the whole World. Assembled tractors for the USA market including the 8000 and 9000, 8600 and 9600.

Manufactured Gearboxes and transmissions for the USA and S.O.S transmissions for the whole World. Assembled tractors for the USA market including the 8000 and 9000.

Changes to Numbering system in 1967.

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