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Henrietta Overhaul
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This page is an illustrated story about overhauling a New Major. It will gradually be fine-tuned into a cohesive article.

Henrietta has developed a loud squeaking noise and a heavy knock and it is all my fault! Under a bit of pressure, I took her out without changing the engine oil for about a year. Not that she gets that much work but here in lies the cause of the problem.

Henrietta is a petrol/paraffin (kerosene) fueled tractor. Unless these engines are working very hard and hot guel tends to bleed past the pistons and dilute the oil. So this has to be changed at frequent intervals to avoid problems. I was rushed. I did not do it before the season started and now I must suffer the consequenses. Just hope I have not completely ruined her as parts for these models could be a bit difficult.


This is the vapouriser on the petrol/paraffin engines. Rather a large lump of metal. Can be subject to heat cracking and metal chrystalisation. Virtually impossible to get a new one.

The porting on the head is different too.

The valves go in at an angle rather than straight down like the diesel.Note no rotator caps on the exhaust valves and the locktabs instead of spring washers on the nuts and studs.

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