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Raised Pto
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Last month I put on a raised pto on my '61 Super Major. I thought you might be interested how it looks like, so I made some pictures. Since I am not an experienced mechanic, you yourselves might would do some things different. Since I am still learning, I am open for ideas.


The raised pto is an pto-axle and a gearbox. This gearbox is attached to the back of a Major, which allows you to disengage the pto, but still use the hydraulics/lift. In case of the different Majors till 1962, it also allows you to lower the rounds per minute (rpm) of your pto (power take off). This is handy for the machinery, that works on 540 rpm. This is the standard nowadays; but in the early days in the UK the standard rpm was about 700. The advantage is, that you can have 540rpm at the pto, but run the engine at a higher rpm than without the raised PTO. At a higher rpm, the engine has more power.

The raised PTO is made in two versions: one for the Super Major (not the NewP erformance), the Power Major and the New Major. This version allows you to lower the rpm at your pto as described above. The gear ratio is 1:1.33

For the New Performance Super Major, there is a special version. The differences on the outside are minimal. The big difference is in the gear ratio. Since the gearbox within the New Performance SuperMajor is already adjusted for 540 rpmat the PTO, the gear ratio in the raised pto gearbox is 1:1. You can find out whether you have a normal or a New Performance raised pto by counting the teeth of the gears. When two of the three gears are the same, you have a New Performance raised pto. The picture below shows a New Performance raised pto.

In the Netherlands, the raised pto´s are pretty rare.


This is the "before" situation. Still with the standard pto. For your information: the orange triangle is a obligatory item on a tractor. The little handle in the middle of the orange triangle is a bracket to hold my top link, when there is no machinery in the lift.

The first step is to get alle the oil from the backend. I used the extenal hydraulics to pump all the oil out. It took me about ten minutes, I think. When all the oil is out, the pump starts "pumping" air. Then you are finished with this job. All the oil out of the backend allows you to change the pto-axles without having your garage filled with oil. I got out about 35 litres of oil. An alternative is lift the backend of the tractor or to drive the front wheels into a dry ditch.

The second step is to be very sure, that the pto is engaged! This allows you to get in the new pto-axle very easy.

The next step is to loosen the four bolts, with which the pto is attached to the tractor.

Then you just pull out the pto-axle. The left picture shown below shows the difference between a normal pto (right) and the raised pto (left). On the right photo, the raised pto is on the right.

As I was pretty curious how the backend looked like from the inside, I took some pictures. The pto-axle fits in the whole in the middle of the picture on the left. This might be a good moment to clean or renew the filter inside the backend.

I removed the old (paper) gasket and put on some liquid gasket. Excuse me for the excessive use of gasket. It was the first time I used it and I was not sure how much to use. Afterwards, it seemed a little too much. I put the pto-axle in.

As I had to renew the oil bearing (behind the outside of the pto shaft), I removed the outside of the pto shaft before mounting the raised pto gearbox. Make sure you remember the exact position, so you put it back on the right way. I may case the were two carvings (for the two bolds) at the bottom.

After removing the outside pto shaft, I mounted the gearbox on the back of my tractor. It is mounted with four bolts. The lower two bolts are the bolts from the standard pto. Be VERY SURE, that bold with the red circle is NOT REMOVED,as it also functions as a rail for the shifter fork!! I also put some liquid gasket on the upper bolts to make sure the are not leaking oil.

After the liquid gasket was dry, I filled the backend with the oil. Since my chair is placed (not original) above the plug of the backend, I put in most of the oil through the hole, that was made because of the removal of the outside pto shaft. The last couple of litres where poured in the original way (via the plug). The last job was to put on the outside pto shaft. Again I used liquid gasket. And again a little too much.

You might see, that the handle is not put on the original way (like on the picture with the New Performance raised pto): it´s bent a quarter turn. I have heard that

this is done to avoid, that the operator has to turn him-/herself engaging or disenaging the handle. But in my case, the handle hits the right lift arm, when engaging.

So I will have to re-bend the handle.

For this article, I have also used information from this website. Thank you.


The Netherlands

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