The Fordson Pages WikiA. The first actual Wiki page here is a report of Brian & Ann's visit to Holland and the Winterswijk show in 2007: StoryWinterswijk2007. Enjoy it! B. The second Wiki is be a looooooooong overdue engine overhaul story by Brian: HenriettaOverhaul. If you're technically inclined, then this is the stuff you need to read. C. And Brian has already come up with another one: DextaAndSuperMajorHydraulicSetting. Many people ask Brian about hydraulic settings on the forum, so this article might be very helpful! D. MemoriesClutches - a brand new story by Brian! Don't miss it! E. Pascal sent in an article on installing a raised PTO on his Major: RaisedPto. Many thanks, Pascal! F. One of the oldest debates on this website deals with the correct colours of the Dexta grilles. Brian has done some research on it and you can read the final (?) verdict here: BrianOnTheGrills. G. Just what we were waiting for! Another wonderful tale by Brian, riddled with many beautiful photos. Read it here: SometimesIThinkIHaveARottenJob. H. It's the dark days before Christmas, but Brian helps us to pass the time by providing another great story: OldFriends. Enjoy it! I. Friends meet up again at Meddo. The tractors and the "crack" are fantastic. WinterswijkMeddo2008 J. A comprehensive list of known Petrol Dexta owners: PetrolDextaRegister . K. A nice story by Alan Garratt: DrillingACureForNailbiters L. For the 3rd consecutive year, we're proud to present all the details of the great show in Meddo, Netherlands: Meddo2009TheEpic M. A how-to story: HenriettaHydraulicRepair. N. A Wiki page on the most frequently asked question ever: IdentifyingYourMajor O. A Wiki page on the second most frequently asked question ever: IdentifyingYourDexta P. The story about: ProjectSuperMajorWithEmphasisOnSuper, by William/Foxen R. Brian and Ann in the Lowlands: Holland2010InPictures S. A report of Brimfield 2010: BrimfieldSunday2010 T. A nice how-to article on Dexta wiring modernization as well as a decimal to inch fractions conversion tablechart: DextaWiringModernization, by Jerry Coles W. Meddo2012TheOrangeRevolution X. AustralianFord The story of the Ford 8401. Y. FordSeries X and Y Identification. 2. MemoriesTheEarlyDaysOfTheXSeries 3. HydraulicsettingsFordWorldSeriesXandY How to start making a Wiki yourself?1. Simply click the EDIT button at the left of the screen. 2. You'll find yourself on a grey screen. This is the edit screen. 3. On the right, you'll see a blue header that says Formatting Tips. Click the link that says Show tips. To see the code for bold, click Bold. Etc. 4. What are you waiting for? Start typing! 5. Hit the Save button every now and then to store your work and see the results. 6. Want an image? Just paste the address of the image in here. On the forum, you put the image tags at the beginning and the end of the address. Not necessary here, just plunk the address here. Boom, done! 7. Want to make new pages, so that you can write a new article on a blank page? Good. Me too. I just don't know how to do that yet, but I'll figure it out 8. In fact, I just figured it out! It's ridicilously simple! Right now you're on the Wiki home page. This is where everything starts. If you want to create a page about, say, the fuel pump maintenance of an E 27 N, you put a link to that page right here on the home page. That sounds complex. But it isn't! Let's assume that you want to call your new article E 27 N fuel pump maintenance. All you have to do is to type those words on the page, WITHOUT spaces, and start each word with a capital letter. If you do that, two things happen AT ONCE. The first thing is that a link gets added to the page. The second thing is that the new page gets created by the software and you're taken there at once, automatically, and you can start penning your article immediately! That's it. Want proof? Well, here goes. Oscar types E 27 N fuel pump maintenance without spaces and with each word's first letter capitalized: E27NFuelPumpMaintenance. That's all I did. I just typed it. Click the link - you'll go to the new page immediately! Have fun!!
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